When you are writing, whether it be as a self-published author or working with an editor through a publishing house, as I do now, it is difficult to keep a clear perspective on the overall book. After months of proofing, rewrites and tweaking, part of the original joy, putting pen to paper, evaporates a little. When a reader takes the time to offer feedback, whether on early less edited books or on new books, whether positive or negative, it is a rewarding experience. To know that someone thought enough of the book to find it worth making a comment is wonderful. Criticisms need to be met with on face value. What is it? Are they right? Do I agree? Can it or should it be changed?
If they praise, was it deserved? Was it a general liking for the subject, the place, the detail, the characters, the plotting, the sub-plot – knowing what it was that triggered a positive response helps, like criticism, to make the next book even better.
Of course a pile of negativity would be very depressing, but I have been lucky, so far, as readers have been kind enough to be positive or encouraging. If you are a voracious reader and have consumed any good or bad books recently, I can guarantee that the authors would appreciate some honest feedback. You don’t have to be cruel, if you don’t like it, but you can offer a reason why it didn’t tick boxes for you. Was it in the wrong genre – should it have been listed as a cozy mystery when you expected a rip-roaring thriller – all these things help the author and their publisher to hone the books and put them in front of the right audience, who in turn will hopefully voice their appreciation with good reviews :-).
Bottom line – if you have read one of my books (latest edit, preferably) and haven’t written a review, please consider doing so. Thanks 🙂
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